The International Day of Disabled Persons will be celebrated today and tomorrow: associations, bodies, companies and citizens of the various countries adhering to the Disability Pride Network launch an appeal to countries on the civil rights of people with disabilities.

It will be presented this afternoon at the opening of the webinar “Piano di azione 2021-2022 per la promozione dei diritti delle persone con disabilità: quali le priorità per una autentica inclusione?” (Action plan for 2021-2022 for the promotion of the rights of disabled people: what are the priorities for authentic inclusion?), promoted in collaboration with the SINAPSI University Center of the “Federico II” University of Naples and Per Voice, a company controlled by Almawave – AlmavivA Group.

Read the press release, the open letter and the webinar program: visit the Disability Pride Italy International Day of Disabled Persons 2020 website (